Varicose veins

Varicose veins are unsightly and often cause unpleasant physical symptoms.

The timely treatment of varicose veins is important to prevent complaints such as painful or tired legs and fluid in the legs from worsening.

Varicose veins are a condition whereby timely treatment of varicose veins can prevent damage to healthy veins. Varicose veins are common in both women and men. At a young age, varicose veins do not always cause symptoms, but they are considered unsightly and unsightly.

The first varicose vein consultation with duplex examination

During the first consultation, the diagnosis is made by means of a duplex examination (vascular ultrasound) and at the end of the appointment you have the treatment plan for your varicose veins.

CliniX uses the most modern techniques in varicose vein treatment. Our dermatologists and vascular surgeons have years of experience in the field of these treatments.

CliniX provides the care in the ZMC that has the Spataternity Quality Mark of the Hart & Vaatgroep. This hallmark guarantees excellent care.

Varicose veins removal - reimbursement

The health insurance companies have drawn up guidelines for when the treatment is reimbursed from the basic insurance and when you have to pay for the treatment yourself.

These guidelines apply to everyone in the Netherlands and apply to all hospitals and private clinics.

In order to qualify for reimbursement from the basic insurance, you need a referral letter from your GP. With this, the first consultation and the vascular examination are reimbursed minus your own risk.

If you do not meet the criteria, your treatment will not be reimbursed from the basic health insurance package. You can then have the treatment at CliniX against payment.

Sometimes the first step of the treatment is reimbursed by the insurance company, but the second step for treatment of the somewhat smaller veins is not.

Treatment methods of varicose veins

Varicose veins can be treated in different ways. Sometimes a combination of various treatment techniques is used to achieve the best result.

CliniX uses the latest treatment methods.

These varicose vein treatment techniques are less invasive and can be performed on an outpatient basis with local anaesthetic. These procedures also bring great cosmetic benefits as no incisions are made to treat the varicose veins.

Examples of these new techniques are endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) and radiofrequency diathermy (VNUS). Both are techniques that do not require an operating theatre. This varicose vein treatment can also be performed under local anaesthetic.

Smaller varicose veins can be treated (additionally) with sclerocompression therapy. This involves injecting the varicose veins with a small needle with a fluid which makes the varicose veins disappear.

For all treatments, you will receive a quotation in advance and a fixed price for the treatment. You will never be surprised afterwards.


From €275

Make an appointment 

Call to make an appointment 075 - 650 12 21.


Call for questions on invoicing: 06 18 01 94 33

Other questions

For other questions, call: 06 41 19 71 33

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