Knee joint

Treatment of (knee) joint pain

Injections with Hyaluronic Acid for joint pain 

Your doctor has determined that the pain you are feeling is caused by osteoarthritis or problems with the cartilage in the joint. To reduce the pain, we may use injections of Hyaluronic acid, especially in patients who do not respond, or respond insufficiently, to normal painkillers or exercises and physiotherapy.
These injections are an alternative to surgery or treatment with other drugs.

As the cost-effectiveness of this treatment has not been sufficiently proven according to the insurance standards, the insurance will not reimburse this treatment and this treatment falls under non-insured care.

CliniX offers the treatment for clients known to the orthopaedic department of the Zaans Medical Centre for €165 per injection.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a product that occurs naturally in the human body. It is found in particular in the joint tissue and synovial fluid. This endogenous hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in the joint fluid of a healthy joint. Osteoarthritis reduces this effect. Injections with hyaluronic acid can then be a solution. 

At CliniX we use a solution of highly concentrated sodium hyaluronate for the injections. This is injected directly into the knee joint. 

Treatment with hyaluronic acid

The doctor gives you one injection of Hyaluronic Acid into the joint. One injection is sufficient to reduce pain and increase mobility over a period of about 6 months in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

You can make appointments for this treatment with the orthopaedic outpatients' clinic by calling: 075-6502105..

Effect of hyaluronic acid

The aim of the injection is to reduce the pain in the joint. The actual amount and duration of pain reduction varies from patient to patient.

For the first 48 hours after receiving an injection, you should avoid activities such as jogging, tennis, lifting and standing for long periods of time.

Treatment with hyaluronic acid is not successful in every patient. If the injection has helped, it can be repeated later.

Alternative treatments for osteoarthritis

Your doctor will discuss the various possibilities for reducing your pain due to osteoarthritis or cartilage problems.

Of course, you can avoid the activities that cause more pain in the joints. You can also do exercises and receive physiotherapy. It is also possible to take medicines, for example:

NSAID anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac.

  • COX 2 inhibitors such as Movicox and Celebrex.
  • Injections with lidocaine as an anaesthetic and cortisone as a strong anti-inflammatory.
  • In recent years, there have also been reports of other medicines being effective, such as glucosamine and chondroitin.

Reasons not to use hyaluronic acid

Sometimes hyaluronic acid cannot be used:

  • If you have an inflammation or skin disease near the injection site.
  • If you are allergic to hyaluronic acid or hyaluronic acid products.

The safety and efficacy of the injections have not been studied in pregnant or breastfeeding women or in children.

Possible side effects (see also leaflet)

The most common side effects (in more than 4% of treated patients) are:

  • Sterile inflammation of the knee with severe pain for 1 week; this occurs in 25% of patients.
  • Joint pain without inflammation
  • Backache
  • Headache
  • Pain or other reaction at the injection site
  • Pain (non-specific)
  • Allergic reactions are very rare.

The injections may only be given by a qualified doctor or Physician Assistant and may only be given into the joint.

Give the hyaluronic acid treatment at least 3 months to be sufficiently effective. In consultation with the treating physician, a follow-up appointment can be made at the outpatient clinic, if desired.


 €179 per injection

Make an appointment 

Call to make an appointment 075 - 650 12 21.


Call for questions on invoicing: 06 18 01 94 33

Other questions

For other questions, call: 06 41 19 71 33

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