Do you have a complaint?

Complaints procedure

At Clinix, quality of care is paramount and we strive to create an environment where open communication and continuous improvement are encouraged. We understand that despite our efforts to work carefully, mistakes or errors are sometimes unavoidable. Therefore, your feedback is invaluable to us.

If you are not satisfied with the care you received, or if you have suggestions for improvement, we would like to hear from you. Your complaint is seen by us as a signal for improvement and helps us to keep improving our services. For a detailed explanation of how complaints are handled, please refer to our complaints folder (pdf).

Where can I make a complaint?

If you have a complaint, you can contact our independent complaints officer at the Zaans Medical Centre, Ms N. Abachri. She can be reached via telephone number: (075) 650 2460, e-mail [email protected], or you can use this fill in the form.

Any tips or suggestions?

To give tips or suggestions, please use this form.(link)

Your feedback and input is invaluable and helps us to continuously improve our care. Thank you for your cooperation.

Do you have a compliment?

Would you like to compliment the care you received? Then fill in the contact form so that we can make sure your compliment reaches the right department or person. Thank you in advance for taking the trouble and sharing your compliment.

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