Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy for the shoulder, elbow, foot or heel

Shockwave therapy for the shoulder, elbow, foot or heel

It has been scientifically proven that sound waves help to heal chronic disorders of tendons and bursitis. It has also been proven that sound waves also stimulate bone growth. Shockwave therapy is a good alternative to surgical treatment because it is quick and easy to apply.

Non-insured care

Because the cost-effectiveness of this treatment is insufficiently proven by insurance standards (except for hip and knee), the insurance will not reimburse this treatment and it falls under non-insured care. CliniX offers the treatment for €85 per session. The treatment may need to be repeated.

What does shockwave treatment involve?

A jelly is applied to the skin, after which the device (similar to an ultrasound machine) delivers about 250 sound waves per minute to the painful area. The treatment lasts about 5 minutes. It is a painful treatment. We advise you not to participate in traffic. Take someone with you to escort you safely home.

Shockwave therapy is currently used for the following conditions:

  • Tennis elbow, golf elbow
  • Achilles tendon pain, degenerative changes of the Achilles tendon, lump formation of the Achilles tendon
  • Inflammation of mucous bursas (e.g. in the shoulder and hip area)
  • Calcifications between the shoulder blade and shoulder head (Through the shock waves it is possible to pulverise calcifications and stimulate healing processes in tendons and bone).
  • Heel spur
  • Irritation and inflammation of the patellar tendon


This treatment falls under uninsured care and will not be reimbursed by your health insurer. CliniX offers this treatment for €85 a time. You should make payment in advance to pay. You will receive an invoice for this in advance.

Make an appointment 

Call to make an appointment 075 - 650 12 21.


Call for questions on invoicing: 06 18 01 94 33

Other questions

For other questions, call: 06 41 19 71 33

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