

A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breasts. The pictures can assess the glandular tissue. Sometimes an additional ultrasound-mammography examination is carried out. A mammogram can be requested by your general practitioner or specialist.

  • if there is any suspicion of a defect in the breast.
  • as a preventive examination for the prevention of breast cancer.

In a mammogram, an image (mammogram) of the breast gland is made by means of soft X-rays. This electromagnetic radiation penetrates the body's tissues.

The breast does not let through the same amount of this radiation. A mammogram shows the different structures and reveals any abnormalities. A radiologist can assess a mammogram properly but sometimes it may be necessary to carry out an additional examination, such as an ultrasound scan.

The film below shows you how a mammogram is performed.
How is a mammogram performed?

Want to know more?

Do not use body lotion or talcum powder before the examination, as they may cause distortions in the photograph.

What do you take with you?

  • Put on comfortable clothes.
  • Do not wear clothing with metal in it, such as zips or buttons. Remove any (navel) piercings.
  • Please bring your proof of insurance and your identification (passport or identity card).
  • Please take the application letter from your GP with you.

If you prepare well, the examination will go smoothly and quickly.

What do you take with you?

  • Take your usual medicines in the usual way and time.
  • Do not use body lotion or talcum powder!
  • Put on comfortable clothes.
  • Do not wear clothing with metal in it, such as zips or buttons. Remove any (navel) piercings.
  • Leave your jewellery at home.
  • Please bring your insurance card or if you don't have one, your identification (passport or identity card).
  • Please take the application letter from your GP with you.
  • It is no problem at all to take someone with you.

In the hospital

  • CliniX is located at the radiology department in the Zaans Medical Centre.
  • Please check in at the CliniX desk 10 minutes before the time of your appointment.
  • The assistant will show you to the waiting room. Always report to the desk first and do not go directly to a waiting room because then we do not know that you are actually there.
  • There are often several people in the waiting room who come for a different type of examination, so it can happen that someone who comes into the waiting room after you will be helped sooner.

The research

  • A lab technician will ask you to come along and show you to a changing room.
  • You bare your upper body in the changing cubicle. Wait quietly in the cubicle until you are called.
  • Take off any jewellery.
  • The lab technician will then show you how to stand in the correct position in front of the X-ray machine.
  • You will stand in front of the X-ray machine with your body exposed. The lab technician will place the breast on a supporting plate and then the breast will be pressed flat between two plates. This may be unpleasant or painful, but is necessary for optimal image quality.
  • The laboratory technician sits behind a screen, where the control panel is. The screen prevents her from being exposed to radiation. From behind the screen, the laboratory technician will maintain contact with you and give you instructions.
  • Usually, several photos are taken in different directions.
  • If all the images have been taken and are technically satisfactory, the laboratory technician will take you back to the changing room. Sometimes you may have to wait for a while and additional images may be taken, but this does not mean that something serious is wrong. An ultrasound scan may also have to be carried out additionally.
  • The duration of the examination is about 15 minutes.

Going home

  • The results will be sent to your doctor or physician.
  • He will contact you to discuss the results.

The (general) practitioner who requested the examination will receive the results within 24 hours. He/she will contact you to discuss the results.

X-rays penetrate the human body in varying degrees without becoming radioactive. Because the amount of radiation must be limited for everyone, the lab technicians and radiologists at CliniX ensure that the amount of radiation in each examination is as low as possible. A mammogram uses soft X-rays. There are therefore almost no risks associated with the examination.

If the examination was requested by your (general) practitioner, it is usually reimbursed by your insurance company. View the fee schedule

It is undesirable for this examination to be carried out during pregnancy. The radiation can be harmful to the unborn child. If you are pregnant, or there is a possibility that you might be, consult your doctor. He or she can weigh up the risks of radiation to the unborn child against the need for the mammogram.

Radiological examinations
Make an appointment

To make an appointment, please contact us at 075 650 29 75. We are available from 08.00 - 16.30.

For this treatment you need a reference from the general practitioner.

Waiting time

You can usually get an appointment within 3 working days. Please call for an appointment.

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